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Collaborating with Acclaimed Photographer Filip Konikowski: A Melbourne Photoshoot Experience

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

In May, I had the privilege to collaborate with acclaimed Melbourne-based photographer Filip Konikowski. This creative endeavour was a wonderful way to embrace the year, amidst the unfolding challenges of lockdowns and social unrest.

Filip's exceptional talent and innovative approach to photography set the stage for a truly enriching experience. Collaborating with such a seasoned creative, known for his unique artistic vision, was a memorable part of the year.

Our collaboration resulted in a collection of stunning photographs, illustrating Filip's ability to challenge conventional norms and think creatively. His innovative approach to photography was recognized internationally when he secured 2nd place in the Advertising/Music category at the prestigious International Photographer Awards.

Filip, who was born in Dortmund, Germany, to Polish immigrant parents, brings a unique multicultural perspective to his work. His childhood in a Victorian suburban environment and his artistic upbringing have significantly shaped his photographic style.

Artistic influence has been a consistent presence in Filip's life, particularly from his father, Ryszard Konikowski, an internationally acclaimed artist. Ryszard's influence has nurtured Filip's keen eye for detail and fueled his artistic passion, contributing to the high calibre of his work today. Ryszard was instrumental in Filip's journey into photography, gifting him his first camera, a Canon 400D.

With a presence in Melbourne's contemporary art scene spanning over two decades, Filip's work is a testament to his rich artistic experiences and instincts. You can explore his unique vision and artistic flair on Instagram or his website.

This collaboration with Filip was more than a photo shoot; it was a testament to the power of creativity, artistic collaboration, and the extraordinary results that can be achieved when creative minds come together. Even in the face of adversity, art continues to inspire, innovate, and flourish.

2nd Place IPA 2021 by Filip Konikowski -



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