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Marlow Digs a.k.a MPC Head – Drumming Up Beats for a Digital Age

As we continue to explore the world of my favourite producers & beat-makers, I hope you're finding the journey as fascinating as I do. This week, we shift our gaze to a truly special gem. This post, along with the next, will shine a spotlight on two exceptional YouTubers. While they may not have topped the global charts like many artists we've discussed thus far, they've cultivated an international following of devoted fans. These artists may not be household names, but their influence and artistry reverberate far & wide. Let's dive in..

Marco Alexandre, better known as Marlow Digs, is a pioneering Portuguese beatmaker & YouTuber hailing from Viseu, Portugal. With two decades of experience in the music industry, Marlow Digs has captivated audiences with his vibrant & emotive Hip Hop Sampled Beats.

Signature Sound & Production Techniques

Marlow Digs has carved out a distinctive place in the music production landscape, known for his meticulous approach to finding the perfect samples. A firm believer in the importance of a signature sound, Marlow Digs spends the majority of his time locating the samples that will eventually become the lifeblood of his beats. It's this painstaking attention to detail & commitment to his craft that tells the listener - unmistakably - they're listening to a Marlow Digs track.

Equipment & Tools of the Trade

In order to create his distinctive soundscapes, Marlow Digs employs a complex production chain that begins with a sampler & runs through a variety of outboard gear, such as compressors, EQs, & effects processors. This process culminates on his laptop, where he records everything & puts his musical creations out to the public.

Key to his setup is the Magnetismus2 from Tegeler, a vital piece of equipment that sits on his stereo bus after the Analog Heat. Utilized for treating transients & adding saturation to drums & samples, the Magnetismus2 plays an instrumental role in shaping Marlow Digs' beats. Its ability to control low-end sounds is particularly crucial to Marlow's music, given his affinity for disproportionate kicks & substantial bass.

Evolution as an Artist

Marlow Digs' journey as a music producer has been characterized by evolution & experimentation. His techniques have varied over time, transitioning from tracking everything to a DAW to not tracking & mixing inside the sampler, to mixing with his stereo outs. Having worked with different samplers, Marlow understands that each offers different workflows & sounds, leading to a diverse range of end products. This curiosity & willingness to try new things have greatly contributed to his success as a beatmaker.

Achievements & Discography

Although Marlow Digs' discography isn't readily available, his influence & success are evident in his extensive experience in the industry & the unique sound that he has crafted over the years. His YouTube channel serves as a testament to his achievements, providing a platform for him to share his music & interact with his fans. For those interested in delving deeper into his work, music streaming platforms & his YouTube channel offer a gateway to his captivating beats.

Marlow Digs’ journey in the beat production field illuminates the transformative & therapeutic power of this craft. His story underlines the role of perseverance, passion, & innovation in the beat-making world, inspiring aspiring producers to explore their own paths in this ever-evolving field.

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MPC Head Sample Packs



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